Key Table: CombiBraille ======================= Default Bindings ---------------- Special Modes * enter/leave help display: + Status6 + Dots125 * enter/leave command learn mode: Status5 * enter/leave preferences menu: Dots1346 * enter/leave status display: Dots34 * set display mode attributes/text: Dots134 * set screen image frozen/unfrozen: Dots124 Cursor Functions * go to screen cursor: Dots36 * bring screen cursor to character: RoutingKey Vertical Navigation * go up one line: + Dot1 + Thumb2 * go down one line: + Dot4 + Thumb4 * go to top line: + Thumb2+Thumb3 + Dots123 * go to bottom line: + Thumb3+Thumb4 + Dots456 * go to beginning of top line: Thumb1+Thumb2 * go to beginning of bottom line: Thumb4+Thumb5 * go up several lines: Dots12 * go down several lines: Dots45 Horizontal Navigation * go backward one braille window: + Dot3 + Thumb1 * go forward one braille window: + Dot6 + Thumb5 * go to beginning of line: + Dots23 + Thumb1+Thumb3 * go to end of line: + Dots56 + Thumb3+Thumb5 * go left one character: Dots13 * go right one character: Dots46 * go left half a braille window: + Thumb1+Thumb4 + Dots246 * go right half a braille window: + Thumb2+Thumb5 + Dots135 Clipboard Functions * start new clipboard at character: Status1, RoutingKey * append to clipboard from character: Status2, RoutingKey * linear copy to character: Status3, RoutingKey * rectangular copy to character: Status4, RoutingKey * insert clipboard text after screen cursor: Dots1234 Configuration Functions * set text style 6-dot/8-dot: Dots235 * set skipping of lines with identical content on/off: Dots245 * set sliding braille window on/off: Dots2456 * set track screen cursor on/off: + Thumb3 + Dots14 * set screen cursor visibility on/off: Dot5 * set alert tunes on/off: Dots234 Menu Operations * save preferences to disk: Dots123456 * restore preferences from disk: Dots1235 Speech Functions * stop speaking: + Dots16 + Thumb2+Thumb4 * speak current line: + Thumb1+Thumb5 + Dots156