Lars Bjørndal lars.bjorndal at broadpark.no
Sun May 21 05:59:33 EDT 2006

Samuel Thibault <samuel.thibault at ens-lyon.org> writes:

> Hi,
> Lars Bjørndal, le Thu 23 Mar 2006 16:10:37 +0100, a écrit :
>> If I start BRLTTY under msys, I get the following error message:
>>    brltty.exe: cannot set working directory: /etc: No such file or
>>    directory.
>> The same also for /etc/brltty.
>> But both dirs exists. What's going on here?
> I got the same result today. Apparently, the chdir() function in msys is
> related to C:\, not to C:\MSYS\1.0 (or whatever directory msys was
> installed in), while the "cd" command of the msys shell is related to
> C:\MSYS\1.0
> Dave, getProgramPath() is still not used as prefix for finding files.
> Couldn't this be implemented?

I did a compilation yesterday with the latest CVS code. I got the same
result - the problem with brltty.exe cannot set working directory. This
time, I used the configure parameter --with-execute-root=/c/brl. I
copied the two files libiconv-2.dll and libintl-2.dll into the
c:\brl\bin directory, and I could then start brltty without first
starting msys. But I couldn't load the translation table that I use.

What I would like to see, is that it could be possible to have an
installation of brltty on a cd, and that the program could be started
from the CD on a windows computer. Then, with my Handy Tech Braillino
and a CD, I could have access to whatever Windows computer I come
over. If the computer has network access, I could also access my Linux
box through a SSH client which also could be stored on the same CD.

We need to fix this path problem. Then it would be possible to have an
rely flexible solution.

Best regards

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