[BRLTTY] key problems on Alva Satellite 544 with brltty 3.7.2

Lee Maschmeyer lee_maschmeyer at wayne.edu
Tue Oct 3 09:29:27 EDT 2006

WRT features we'd like:

I think requiring the user to modify source to achieve functionality we are 
used to from other environments is a pretty steep price. I'd like to see a 
switch in Preferences, default it off if you like, to toggle horizontal 
panning since this is what users are used to. Yes, I can change source, I'm 
a programmer. Predictability is not the issue since if you pan across a 
screen you can feel dots bounce and then backtrack to see what' there. It'll 
have to default to Off because many displays do not pan automatically - PAC 
Mate doesn't, for example.

Lee Maschmeyer
<lee_maschmeyer at wayne.edu>

"Be kind to your fur-bearing friends,
For a skunk may be somebody's brother."
     --Fred Allen

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