[BRLTTY] 3.10

Lee Maschmeyer lee_maschmeyer at wayne.edu
Tue Apr 29 10:15:27 EDT 2008

Could the grade 2 translation of Chatham be repaired? Could you perhaps 
special case fedora to get it fixed?

Actually, I just scanned for Chatham again and now see that all 3 of the 
words on the top line are mistranslated. As always, read these examples 
using some sort of English computer braille table (I use nabcc.tbl):

,brigham   ,*atham   ,*isholm
bride-to-be   ,*atham
    ,chat-ham ,*atham
 ,madeira w9es4 ,he 2l;gs 6! ,*atham
 ,lawton w5t 2f ! ,*atham ,c.ty gr&

Lee Maschmeyer
Computing Center Services
Computing and Information Technology
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan, USA 

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