[BRLTTY] issue with status-cells on varioconnect

Andor Demarteau andor at nl.linux.org
Tue Nov 18 05:07:14 EST 2008

On Mon, 17 Nov 2008, Dave Mielke wrote:

 > [quoted lines by Andor Demarteau on 2008/11/17 at 16:48 +0100]
 > >I've been playing around with the new cool feature of deciding my 
 > >statuscell layout.
 > >However:
 > >- the feature itself does work
 > >- it takes one additional cell as seperatation which is good
 > >- however, it thinks that I have 36 reading cells available as in fact 
 > >there are only 35 (4 status cells and 1 extra)
 > >Result of this is that I'm loosing one char on every move right.
 > What do you have the various choices set to?
I tried a couple of fixed choices like the voyager-one and a custromized 
choice with 2 cells used and the 3rd cell on "end"
most cursor/window positions use 4 cells total to display the location.

I see the location jumping from 01 to 37 in the horizontal movement of the 
braille display.
As the setup uses one blak cell more then the 36 the display jumps right, 
it loses one character.

Andor Demarteau                 E-mail: andor at nl.linux.org
student computer science        www: http://www.nl.linux.org/~andor
UU based & VU guest-student     jabber,icq,msn,voip: do ask ;)

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