[BRLTTY] Bluetooth connection problem with Handy Tech Active Braille

Lars Bjørndal lars at lamasti.net
Wed Jul 4 14:59:32 EDT 2012

Hi, Dave!

You wrote:

> [quoted lines by Lars Bjørndal on 2012/07/04 at 14:18 +0200]
> >I get an RFCOMM connect error 111: Connection refused. I have
> >braille-driver ht and braille-device bluetooth:<address> in my
> >/etc/brltty.conf file. In the /var/lib/bluetooth/<sub folder>/, I have a
> >pincodes file with the address and the pincode.
> There are a number of possibilities for the connection refused error. To 
> understand the error, I'll explain what it means in the more familiar IP 
> environment. In that environment it means that the host is up and reachable, 
> but that no service is listening on the requested port. For Bluetooth, it means 
> something very similar - that the device is on, reachable, and paired, but that 
> the device has no profile using the requested RFCOMM channel. The two most 
> likely possibilities, therefore, are:

Thanks for your excellent explanation.

> First: Perhaps you've specified the address of a device which is visible to 
> your system, but which isn't your braille device. Please, therefore, 
> double-check your braille device specification.

I'm certainly not alone in the world that have a braille display of
this type, but... Actually, I did 'hcitool scan' to verify the
address, turned the device off and did the same, just to verify that
the device was the actual one. With my BS40, I'm able to do 'rfcomm
bind rfcomm0 <address>', but with the Active Braille (AB), I got
"connection refused".

> Second: Although unlikely, it could be that the HT driver is requesting an 
> RFCOMM connection to the wrong channel. Please do an "sdptool browse
> <address>" on your braille device and post the output to the list for us to 
> analyze.

I tried that too, but got an error message. When I'm back at work
tomorow, I'll try again and let you know.


Thanks and regards,

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