[BRLTTY] brltty 4.3 and papenmeier

Philippe Delavalade philippe.delavalade at orange.fr
Thu May 10 07:53:49 EDT 2012

Le mercredi 09 mai à 18:10, Dave Mielke a écrit :
> Did you get code recent enough to have the preferences menu now presented as a 
> set of submenus? If so, could you give it a try and let me know how to improve 
> it?

I have never used preferences menu ; I have just try it now to see what's
happen and test ; I can see things like 

Menu Options: --->
Presentation: --->
Indicators: --->

But I don't know what to do with it :-)

If I touch any key on the Braillex, the ---> become <--- that's all.

I fear my test is not relevent...

Ph. Delavalade

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