[BRLTTY] test result, was re: brltty 4.3 and papenmeier

Dave Mielke dave at mielke.cc
Mon May 14 15:00:32 EDT 2012

[quoted lines by Nicolas Pitre on 2012/05/14 at 10:43 -0400]

>> My original thought was that Show All Items would provide a quick way to go 
>> through all the settings and adjust them. Is that not a useful capability?
>Well, knowing that they exist might be useful, but if they are not 
>effective they might create more confusion and bogus bug reports, such 
>as "I increased the pitch but that didn't change anything".

After thinking about it, I realized that we're both talking about slightly 
different things because we ultimately have two kinds of items which are 
normally not shown. The kind you're referring to are those which the driver 
doesn't support. The kind I was thinking of are those which simply don't apply 
due to other settings, e.g. the visible/invisible times when blinking isn't 
enabled. We probably need to distinguish between these two.

Dave Mielke           | 2213 Fox Crescent | The Bible is the very Word of God.
Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Ottawa, Ontario   | 2011 May 21 is the End of Salvation.
EMail: dave at mielke.cc | Canada  K2A 1H7   | http://Mielke.cc/now.html
http://FamilyRadio.com/                   | http://Mielke.cc/bible/

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