[BRLTTY] feedback to the latest improvements was: Re: Error when building BRLTTY

Eric Scheibler email at eric-scheibler.de
Sun May 20 11:21:09 EDT 2012

Hello Dave,

Dave Mielke <dave at mielke.cc> schrieb am 20.05.2012,  3:28 -0400:
>Another user posted a set of bindings for the new speech navigation functions 
>which uses right control and right shift. Should we be using those instead 
>within the laptop key table?
>Perhaps that other user (I forget his name at the moment) could post his latest 
>set of bindings.
Here is my current key table:
bind  ShiftRight+!ArrowLeft   SPEAK_PREV_WORD
bind  ShiftRight+!ArrowRight 	SPEAK_NEXT_WORD
bind  ShiftRight+!ArrowUp   	SPEAK_PREV_LINE
bind	ShiftRight+!ArrowDown   SPEAK_NEXT_LINE
bind ControlRight+!ArrowLeft	SPEAK_FRST_CHAR
bind ControlRight+!ArrowRight SPEAK_LAST_CHAR
bind	ControlRight+!ArrowUp		SPEAK_FRST_line
bind ControlRight+!ArrowDown	SPEAK_LAST_LINE
bind ControlRight+!ShiftRight ROUTE_CURR_LOCN
bind	ShiftRight+!ControlRight  ROUTE_CURR_LOCN
bind ShiftRight+!Enter				SPEAK_CURR_LOCN

But I don't know if this is suitable for all
users. The most important key bindings are shift+ArrowUp and down. I use
shift cause my shift key is very big and lays directly above the arrow
keys. The advantage compared to capslock is, that I can move the cursor
with one hand only and there are no conflicts with orca. But I think the
right control key is also ok for that job.

Maybe I also assign next/prev word and next/prev line also with
CtrlLeft+ShiftLeft+[h|j|k|l] so I can use them easier during typing. I
didn't try this out yet. I also
append my whole key file so you can see, which keys I've commented
out. For example Capslock + Space, cause this is the orca shortcut to open
the Orca settings menu.

Dave Mielke <dave at mielke.cc> schrieb:
>>>Could someone give me an idea regarding what key combinations Speakup and Orca 
>>>use so that we can try to not confrlict with them?
>That'd be for Orca, right? What about for Speakup?
Speakup also uses the Capslock key in conjunction with the "uio|jkl|m,."
keys for moving by line, word and char (similar to Orca). It also uses the "7", "8" and "9",
the F-keys (F1 to F12) and a few more. But it doesn't use the arrow keys (as far as I can
remember). This is for laptop keyboard.

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# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in
#          text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2012 by The BRLTTY Developers.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details.
# Web Page: http://mielke.cc/brltty/
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <dave at mielke.cc>.

title Bindings for Keyboards without a Keypad

#bind	CapsLock+!F1			HELP
#bind	CapsLock+ShiftLeft+!F1		LEARN
bind	CapsLock+!R			RESTARTBRL
bind	CapsLock+!D			DESCCHAR
#bind	CapsLock+!ArrowUp		LNUP
#bind	CapsLock+!ArrowDown		LNDN
#bind	CapsLock+!ArrowLeft		CHRLT
#bind	CapsLock+!ArrowRight		CHRRT
#bind	CapsLock+!Home			TOP_LEFT
#bind	CapsLock+!End			BOT_LEFT
#bind	CapsLock+!Enter			CSRTRK
#bind	CapsLock+!O			CSRTRK+off
#bind	CapsLock+!DeleteBackward		BACK

# marks
#bind	CapsLock+!M			SETMARK
#bind	CapsLock+!J			GOTOMARK
bind	CapsLock+ShiftLeft+!1		SETMARK+1
bind	CapsLock+!1			GOTOMARK+1
bind	CapsLock+ShiftLeft+!2		SETMARK+2
bind	CapsLock+!2			GOTOMARK+2
bind	CapsLock+ShiftLeft+!3		SETMARK+3
bind	CapsLock+!3			GOTOMARK+3
bind	CapsLock+ShiftLeft+!4		SETMARK+4
bind	CapsLock+!4			GOTOMARK+4

# cut and paste
bind	CapsLock+!X			CLIP_NEW
bind	CapsLock+!C			COPY_RECT
bind	CapsLock+!V			PASTE

# speech
#bind	!ControlLeft			MUTE
bind	!ControlRight			MUTE
bind	!ShiftRight			MUTE
#bind	CapsLock+!PageUp			SAY_ABOVE
#bind	CapsLock+!Space			SAY_LINE
#bind	CapsLock+!PageDown		SAY_BELOW
#bind	CapsLock+!F5			SAY_SLOWER
#bind	CapsLock+!F6			SAY_FASTER
#bind	CapsLock+!F7			SAY_SOFTER
#bind	CapsLock+!F8			SAY_LOUDER
#bind	CapsLock+!F9			AUTOSPEAK

# my own
bind	ShiftRight+!ArrowLeft		SPEAK_PREV_WORD
bind	ShiftRight+!ArrowRight	SPEAK_NEXT_WORD
bind	ShiftRight+!ArrowUp		SPEAK_PREV_LINE
bind	ShiftRight+!ArrowDown		SPEAK_NEXT_LINE
bind ControlRight+!ArrowLeft	SPEAK_FRST_CHAR
bind ControlRight+!ArrowRight	SPEAK_LAST_CHAR
bind ControlRight+!ArrowUp		SPEAK_FRST_line
bind ControlRight+!ArrowDown	SPEAK_LAST_LINE
bind ControlRight+!ShiftRight	 ROUTE_CURR_LOCN
bind ShiftRight+!ControlRight	 ROUTE_CURR_LOCN
bind ShiftRight+!Enter			SPEAK_CURR_LOCN
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