[BRLTTY] Many problems and questions on brltty for android

Mario Lang mlang at delysid.org
Mon May 13 05:49:44 EDT 2013

erik burggraaf <erik at erik-burggraaf.com> writes:

> I have read through the help down past all the uses of the display
> keys and now I'm discovering that most of the functions are actually
> repeated on the braille keyboard using, if possible, even less
> sensible combinations than what they had on the display keys.  I've
> got to take this in baby steps or I'll get fed up.

While I try to stay as neutral as possible, I'd like to make you aware
that your tone is not producing any good feelings while I am trying to
support you.  Indeed, if everyone were to write in a tone like this, I'd
probably given up to support free software questions long ago.

You could, for instance, let us know which key bindings in particular
you find unintuitive, and how you would propose to change them.  That
would be constructive criticism.

> So, my question is, is there a backspace on the braille input keyboard?

Yes, Space+Dot7 should be bound to KEY_BACKSPACE, and Space+Dot8 should
be bound to KEY_ENTER.  Now that you mention it, I remember having had
problems to invoke Backspace in an Android input field as well, so there
might still be some work to do.


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