[BRLTTY] documentation issues

Rich Morin rdm at cfcl.com
Tue Jul 5 15:30:21 EDT 2016

On Jul 5, 2016, at 12:24, Dave Mielke <dave at mielke.cc> wrote:
> How searchable is PDF?

That depends on how it was produced.  The worst case scenario is a set
of pages that were simply scanned in as images.  This isn't accessible
as text, let alone searchable.  In a better scenario, the text would be
accessible, but no indexing would have been done (so, searching would
be compromised, slow, or simply unavailable).

However, a document which was generated using a good tool chain can be
quite searchable.  Given that the manual in question starts as SGML, I
wouldn't be surprised if it can generate high-quality PDF, but Samuel
will know for sure.


http://www.cfcl.com/rdm           Rich Morin           rdm at cfcl.com
http://www.cfcl.com/rdm/resume    San Bruno, CA, USA   +1 650-873-7841

Software system design, development, and documentation

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