[BRLTTY] documentation issues

Rich Morin rdm at cfcl.com
Wed Jul 6 08:04:32 EDT 2016

On Jul 5, 2016, at 15:03, Dave Mielke <dave at mielke.cc> wrote:
> [quoted lines by Rich Morin on 2016/07/05 at 09:29 -0700]
>> I would add a descriptive section on "Distribution Formats", near the top
>> of the page (eg, just below the "Copyright and Disclaimer").  
> Please check it out and comment.

My first comment is that I really appreciate the positive way in which
folks have accepted my critiques and suggestions!  However, because no
good deed goes unpunished, here are some more nits!


The "Download Formats" section contains a number of lists.  Most of
these are ordered alphabetically, but some are not.  I'd sort them all.

If `tmux` uses the `screen` driver, this should be mentioned in the
`screen` entry and cross-references in a separate entry.  If not,
explain how `tmux` is supported.

Typos, etc:

  fascilitate  ->  facilitate
  TCL          ->  Tcl
  XWindow      ->  X-Windows

The "Current Release" section is missing a "<P>" above the initial
table.  There should be a "<P>" before the .arch.rpm installation

In "The Development Repository" section, there should be a "<P>"
before the "If you'd prefer ..." entry.

I would move "Old Releases" onto a separate page, linking to it
from a brief entry in this one.

For extra credit, convert the initial reference to "external" terms
into links to Wikipedia pages, etc.  For example:

  Android, AtSpi, AtSpi2. eSpeak, Fedora, Festival, Festival Lite, gzip,
  Java, Linux, Python, OCaml, Red Hat, Speech Dispatcher, screen,
  Systemd, tar, Udev, USB, Win32, Windows, WinUSB, X-Windows, xz

http://www.cfcl.com/rdm           Rich Morin           rdm at cfcl.com
http://www.cfcl.com/rdm/resume    San Bruno, CA, USA   +1 650-873-7841

Software system design, development, and documentation

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