[BRLTTY] no input from braille keys under some conditions

Michael Katzmann mkat at nlsbph.org
Tue Jul 26 22:04:19 EDT 2016

I am seeing a curious issue with brltty.

I am using a raspberry PI 3 (Linux raspberrypi 4.4.13-v7+ #894 SMP Mon Jun
13 13:13:27 BST 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux)

brltty is started by systemd at boot.

If I run the brlapitest program I cannot get any response to input from the
eight braille keys on my connected device. I do get normal response from
the routing keys (the Bralliant has three either side of the display, two
at the bottom and four at the front)

michael at raspberrypi:~ $ ./brlapitest2
Driver name: HumanWare
Braille display has 1 line of 32 columns
Trying to enter in raw mode...
brlapi_enterRawMode: Operation not supported
Taking control of the tty...
Writing to braille display...
Waiting until a braille key is pressed to continue...
got it! (code=20020000028)
type 536870912, command 40, argument 0, flags 512
type CMD, command CSRTRK, argument 0, flags TOGGLE_OFF
Leaving tty...

Curiously, if I restart brltty with "# systemctrl restart brltty.service" I
then can get a respose from the braille keys.

Driver name: HumanWare
Braille display has 1 line of 32 columns
Trying to enter in raw mode...
brlapi_enterRawMode: Operation not supported
Taking control of the tty...
Writing to braille display...
Waiting until a braille key is pressed to continue...
got it! (code=27)
type 0, command 0, argument 39, flags 0
type SYM, command LATIN1, argument 39, flags
Leaving tty...

One change i made to the brlapitest.c is to use
"brlapi_enterTtyModeWithPath(NULL, 0,  NULL)" rather than
"brlapi_enterTtyMode(BRLAPI_TTY_DEFAULT, NULL)"

What would cause this different behavior between brltty started at boot and
when it is restarted after boot ?

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