[BRLTTY] [OT] betris -- a horizontal braille version of tetris

Mario Lang mlang at blind.guru
Thu Aug 30 20:15:08 EDT 2018

Nicolas Pitre <nico at fluxnic.net> writes:

> On Fri, 31 Aug 2018, Mario Lang wrote:
>> I'd be interested in feedback.
>> I have only tested it with one other blind person yet.
>> It is a haskell projeect.  To install, run:
>> $ cabal update
>> $ cabal install betris
> Well.... I get:
> [...]
> And so on for an almost screenful before it bails out.
> And I know nothing about haskell.

Sorry, dependency hell.  The short story is, that cabal on Debian is
pretty old.  stack should manage to build it, however the stack
version on Debian stable is broken with newer projects.
If you are on x86_64, you could try this:

$ wget https://blind.guru/betris
$ chmod +x betris
$ ./betris

Or you install the current version of haskell-stack:

$ wget -qO- https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh

and use

$ stack install betris

to build/install betris yourself.

Long(er) story:
Haskell has two build tools.  cabal uses locally installed haskell
package versions to build against.  This can sometimes lead to
dependency issues.  stack however, creates a sort of sandbox
and builds all the versions of packages required for a particular package on demand.
However, a breakage in the metadata for stack leads to
the haskell-stack version (1.6.5) on Debian stable to no longer
be able to build newer stack projects.  A current version of stack
is required, which usually needs manual installation/upgrade.


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