[BRLTTY] Release 5.6 will be soon - please test.

Dave Mielke dave at mielke.cc
Sun Jan 28 14:08:33 EST 2018

[quoted lines by Didier Spaier on 2018/01/28 at 20:40 +0100]

>I don't understand. The post I quoted and linked to:
>is dated  Mon Jan 8 16:16:49 EST 2018 i.e. roughly 3 weeks ago so
>people could expect a release any time soon (even though you wrote
>"the current plan", so that was a tentative schedule anyway).

Most people will read the quote and not check the fine print in the linked-to 
original. The part that was quoted didn't include the date, so most people will 
assume that the three weeks starts as of today.

>How would that make you look like a liar to release in one week,

If I do something contrary to what most people have been led to believe, then, 
rightly or wrongly, yes, I do appear to be a liar. It's entirely legitimate for 
people to assume that that quote was from a statement I made today.

I don't think you understand how seriously I take telling the truth, not 
misleading anyone, etc. We speak, write, etc to be understood, not just to be 

An entirely possible scenario, now, is for someone to wait too long to test, 
and then blame us when, from his/her perspective, we didn't wait long enough to 
be told about a problem.

>and why would you need to wait another three weeks?   

So as to not appear to be a liar.

>Please shed some light in my obscure mind and tell me what
>corrections or precision I should bring as a follow-up of
>my posts from today.

I'll leave what you decide to do up to you, other than to say that it's never 
too late to correct the facts. As for the original post, you could'e simply 
removed the "three weeks" statement - there was no need to include it.

I believe the Bible to be the very Word of God: http://Mielke.cc/bible/
Dave Mielke           | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
EMail: Dave at Mielke.cc | Ottawa, Ontario   | Twitter: @Dave_Mielke
Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Canada  K2A 1H7   |

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