[BRLTTY] Power Braille 80 Rocker Switch Configuration

Dave Mielke dave at mielke.cc
Mon May 7 10:20:04 EDT 2018

[quoted lines by wmichaelb at fuse.net on 2018/05/07 at 09:58 -0400]

>I've managed to get my friend's Linux setup to access his Power Braille 80 
>successfully, and I'm now trying to get the system preferences set up to what 
>he prefers. I have read through the documentation on preferences and set some 
>of them in the config file.

What do you mean by preferences? There are system-wide defaults (that are 
defined in /etc/brltty.conf), and there are user-specific settings (that are 
stored in /var/lib/brltty/brltty.prefs). It's the latter - the user-specific 
settings - that are commonly known as preferences because they can be (and 
really should be) modified from the braille device itself via brltty's 
Preferences Menu. There's a way to do it from brltty.conf - with the 
override-preference directive - but that should only be done when absolutely 
necessary because it undoes changes made within the menu.

>Is there a way to reverse the functions of the two rocker bars on the Power 
>Braille 80? I haven't been able to find a configuration entry that controls 
>that preference. Thanks!

You can do that by editing the key table for the PB80. Assuming a normal 
install, you should be able to find it at:


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Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
EMail: Dave at Mielke.cc  | Ottawa, Ontario   | Twitter: @Dave_Mielke
Phone: +1 613 726 0014 | Canada  K2A 1H7   |

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