[BRLTTY] Prompt matching.

Aura Kelloniemi kaura.dev at sange.fi
Mon Nov 26 09:59:11 EST 2018

Hi everyone!

And super big thinks to Dave for coding prompt matching with regexes!

Dave Mielke <Dave at mielke.cc> writes:

 > [quoted lines by Dave Mielke on 2018/10/13]

 > This may be a case where practice outweighs theory. To me, the original scheme
 > is a kind of "catch all default". Without it, one would need to code a pattern
 > for each expected prompt on each system that one logs into. This could create a
 > lot of needless and error prone pattern coding when a simple fallbck pattern or
 > scheme would do.

I'm not missing the old behaviour. I guess somebody could have use for the
combination of the prompt finding stretegies. Then there probably should be an
option like "Fallback to default prompt matching when regex fails". To me
enabling such a thing would cause confusion.


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