[BRLTTY] raw keycode brlapi

Quartel, Eric de edequartel at bartimeus.nl
Wed Dec 4 06:51:36 EST 2019

Hello, I managed to get brltty installed from github.
It recognises all the brailledisplays i have available now. voyager, focus40, alva bc640.
I work for an organization with lots of different brailledisplays available.
When using the following source I get a list of keys. Though without names.
size_t len, i;
brlapi_param_keyCode_t *keys = brlapi_getParameterAlloc(BRLAPI_PARAM_DEVICE_KEY_CODES, 0, 1, &len);
len /= sizeof(*keys);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
               char *name = brlapi_getParameterAlloc(BRLAPI_PARAM_KEY_SHORT_NAME, keys[i], 1, NULL);
               printf("key %x name %s\n", keys[i], name);
I want to type in a key and get the rawcode for this key. I can then connect it to an action i want.
Keeping for each brailledisplay a file with all the code and related to a certain action.
I want to use brltty that children and adults can learn braille on a raspberry pi
with as many brailledisplay which are available. brltty is perfect for this.
Therefore i have to connect the rawcode with an action in my software.
So the flow is like this:
type a key on de refreshable brailledisplay>get the rawkeycode>connect the rawkeycode with an action
The rawkeycodes are different but the action is the same.
rawkeycode (voyager)=A > (leftthumbkey) > read what is on the brailledisplay
rawkeycode (focus)=B > (leftthumbkey) > read what is on the brailledisplay
rawkeycode (alva bc640)=C > (leftthumbkey) > read what is on the brailledisplay
can you Please help me how to achief the rawcode?
Thanks, Eric
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