[BRLTTY] Making the display stay at one position

S. Massy smassy at wolfdream.ca
Fri Sep 18 08:07:02 EDT 2020

On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 06:21:35AM -0500, Rob Hudson wrote:
> My display is a basic braille from  handy tech, my BRLTTY is 6.1
> I have an lftp> command window open, with a file transfer going.
> I want to watch the status of the transfer.
> The line looks something like this.
> ..long file name - some more of the name.rar at xxxx (30%) 300kb/s ETA xx
> I can only get the braille window to scroll to the name.rar at part. In other words, the last part of the file name, the word at, and then a lot of blank space. Hitting next window key will not bring it up.
> The actual transfer status, speed etc  do not show.
> In order to make it show, I hit the cursor routing button at the space just to right of the word at
> It flashed briefly, then returned to the top of the line.
> How can I get BRLTTY to stay where I put it?
You have two options. You can tell BRLTTY to stop tracking the cursor or
you can freeze the TTY as BRLTTY sees it. The key sequence will depend
on your display, but look in the help for your specific display for
freeze/unfreeze and track/don't track cursor. In your case, as you want
to keep tabs on a specific piece of dynamically evolving information, I
suspect disabling cursor tracking would be best. Freezing is best for
when you have a fast changing screen and you want to stop it changing so
you can review its contents extensively.
Sebastien Massy
Montreal, Canada
Website: http://www.wolfdream.ca
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SMassy1
LinkedIn: http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/sebastien-massy/47/5a5/81a

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