[BRLTTY] qemu/vmware/... virtual braille devices?

Samuel Thibault samuel.thibault at ens-lyon.org
Fri Apr 6 18:33:50 EDT 2007


The problem of getting braille working in virtual machines like
qemu/vmplayer/... was raised on another list and I had an idea: maybe we
should implement a virtual braille device in qemu & co?

I mean, qemu would try to connect to the existing brltty via brlapi,
and if works, expose a virtual USB braille device for the guest system
(USB for better automatic discovery).  That would also for instance
let distribution developers check that their distribution installer is
accessible without having to own the hardware!

Now the question is: which USB protocol should we implement?  I don't
know the rules qemu people where following for choosing which hardware
to emulate, but I guess we should rather choose something that is
supported by most readers (susebl, libbraille at least) and that has the
simplest/fastest/most powerful protocol.


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