[BRLTTY] ML url on mielke.cc/brltty

Aldo blinuxman at tuxfamily.org
Tue Jan 16 10:20:42 EST 2007

Hi Dave,

(it seems my mail from this morning has no arrived here):
I'd like to suggest if you could add on the frontpage the link to the 
mailinglsit subscription page;
or for example provide a "Mailinglist" link on top of the page (in the 
menu) near Downloads or so.
It would be nice and easier to search for the ML subscription page.
@ld0 - http://brlspeak.net - http://brlspeak.net/blindia.php

--------- The meaning of Copyleft & the essence of the GPL : ---------
  (a)  The freedom to       -- use the software 
  (b)  The freedom to       -- copy & share it 
  (c)  The freedom to       -- modify it 
                            -- (requires the source to be available) 
  (d)  The freedom to       -- run & distribute modified software 

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