[BRLTTY] BRLTTY on Windows

Øyvind Lode oyvind.lode at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 13:08:47 EDT 2010

On 26.09.2010 18:17, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Doesn't NVDA permit to not read the consoles, so that brltty gets back
> the braille output control?  If it doesn't, please suggest it to NVDA
> people.

I'm not sure.
I've only played a bit with NVDA.
NVDA is speaking just fine in the console/cygwin.
But the problem is that I can't get brltty to work at all.
No Braille output from brltty means no Braille output in NVDA since I 
need to rely on brltty for NVDA Braille.

The Papenmeier driver don't provide any virtual com ports.
libusb-filter breaks my system.

I guess I can get brltty to work if I install the libusb driver package 
but that breaks Braille in JFW since JFW rely on the Papenmeier driver...

I have used brltty with the libusb-filter in the past.
Then I used brltty to read the cygwin consoles and JAWS for everything else.
It worked just fine in XP.
But as I said libusb-filter don't work on my Windows 7 box.

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