[BRLTTY] feedback to the latest improvements was: Re: Error when building BRLTTY

Eric Scheibler email at eric-scheibler.de
Mon May 21 16:40:24 EDT 2012


Dave Mielke <dave at mielke.cc> schrieb am 21.05.2012,  5:31 -0400:
>Are we still missing any functions? You noted that Orca has "say time", which 
>we don't have. Should we have it? What else are we still missing?
I miss the feature to switch the speech language with a shortcut. My
requirements are:
press one key combination and toggle the speech language and the reading
speed. For example: setting 1 = german and 100% speed and setting 2 =
english and 75%.
I think one problem is that you support not only the espeak but also other
speech engines, so that becomes a bit complicated.
I could imagine that you not only switch the speech
settings but reload all settings with a profile manager like it's done in orca. But maybe this feature is nothing for 4.4 but for later.

And a hint for the speech punctuation setting: I would like to choose which
chars are spoken when the "some" option is choosen. For example I miss "-",
and "/". Maybe you at least could add them or create a fourth option called "most" and add these two chars?

I also would like to assign the option "Speak Inserted Characters" to a
shortcut. Background is that I don't like this option enabled when I write
a longer text but I need the option in the console so taht brltty speaks
the auto completion of paths and commands on the shell prompt.

And I don't know if someone else already reported the following but anyway: If I
set the upper case indicator to "raise pitch" all capital letters are
inserted and spoken twice. With the "say cap" option all works well.

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