[BRLTTY] Speech and keypad

Dave Mielke dave at mielke.cc
Wed May 23 09:11:42 EDT 2012

[quoted lines by Stéphane Doyon on 2012/05/23 at 00:07 -0400]

>I keep entering garbage zeros and dots and pluses. Is there a
>convenient way to disable keypad key presses that don't resolve to a
>BRLTTY command?

They could, I suppose, all be defined to NOOP. On the other hand, if we do that 
then maybe it's even better to make simple keypad key presses do the current 
KP0+ functions.

>My keyboard apparently can't do KP0+KPPeriod+!KP2, KP0+KPPeriod+!KP3,
>KP0+KPPeriod+!KP5, KP0+KPPeriod+!KP6,
>However KP0+KPPeriod+!KP1 and KP0+KPPeriod+!KP4 do work.
>I'll have to experiment to see if it's just *this* keyboard...

Mine is the same.

>For some reason, I'd expect an entirely blank line to be announced as
>"blank" rather than "space". 

Except that "blank" is the formal name of a specific character. Maybe "empty", 
but, then, someone might think it's the real word "empty". In the end, I went 
with a single, common term.

>Maybe it's just me, never mind if this was already discussed to death.

Actually, the topic hadn't come up yet. :-)

>I tried cut&pasting, it took me a long time to realize it was doing it
>from the braille position, not speech. That seems to make it rather
>difficult to cut&paste without a display.

It uses the system cursor - not the braille position. That functionality was 
developed, of course, before we had a speech cursor. Now, I guess, we have 
something else to decide.

>At one point it went haywire and started doing bogus key repeats or
>the last pressed key (letters, backspace...) I ended up restarting

I've no idea what might've caused that.

Dave Mielke           | 2213 Fox Crescent | The Bible is the very Word of God.
Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Ottawa, Ontario   | 2011 May 21 is the End of Salvation.
EMail: dave at mielke.cc | Canada  K2A 1H7   | http://Mielke.cc/now.html
http://FamilyRadio.com/                   | http://Mielke.cc/bible/

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