[BRLTTY] Speech and keypad

Stéphane Doyon s.doyon at videotron.ca
Wed May 23 00:07:01 EDT 2012

I know I'm late to the party, but I finally just managed to try out the 
cool new speech stuff and keypad bindings. This is seriously cool stuff. 
Huge thanks for all the great work!

Some random comments:

I keep entering garbage zeros and dots and pluses. Is there a convenient 
way to disable keypad key presses that don't resolve to a BRLTTY command?

My keyboard apparently can't do 
KP0+KPPeriod+!KP2, KP0+KPPeriod+!KP3,
KP0+KPPeriod+!KP5, KP0+KPPeriod+!KP6,
However KP0+KPPeriod+!KP1 and KP0+KPPeriod+!KP4 do work.
I'll have to experiment to see if it's just *this* keyboard...

For some reason, I'd expect an entirely blank line to be announced as 
"blank" rather than "space". Maybe it's just me, never mind if this was 
already discussed to death.

I tried cut&pasting, it took me a long time to realize it was doing it
from the braille position, not speech. That seems to make it rather
difficult to cut&paste without a display.

At one point it went haywire and started doing bogus key repeats or the 
last pressed key (letters, backspace...) I ended up restarting BRLTTY.

Stéphane Doyon
<s.doyon at videotron.ca>

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