[BRLTTY] A friend on the Eyes-Free Android list needs help

Mallard mallard at ilgerone.net
Mon Apr 22 10:26:10 EDT 2013

Hello all,

Eric Burgraaf, a member of the Eyes-Free group, has written to ask if 
his braille display, a Humanware Brailleconnect, works with Brailleback.
As it isn't in the list of supported evices, I suggested he try BRLTTY.

After installing the app, he sent the below message to the list, which I 
offered to forward here.

He is using a Galaxy Tab 2 7-inch tablet, running Android 4.1.

His post after my signature.

Alright,  I have brailleconnect up and running.  I've got the input 
service turned on.  So far, brltty has crashed twice, once trying to 
connect the display, and again trying to switch to it's input service 
for braille entry.

I've got my tables set to english canadian (never even new there was 
such a thing, but nice of them to recognize that we speak english too) 
and grade two english.  Unfortunately my display is still showing grade 
1 braille which is slowing me down.  Also, I wasn't able to find a 
keybindings tab in the brltty settings.  So, I'm clueless as to what 
functions are associated with my braille display.

Any advice on next steps would be appreciated.


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