[BRLTTY] keycodes description

Shérab Sebastien.Hinderer at ens-lyon.org
Sun Nov 24 06:20:30 EST 2019


Aura Kelloniemi (2019/11/23 18:07 +0200):
> Is there also some documentation?

Yes, it is written with doxygen so you can generate the manual pages but
you can also read the documentation directly e.g. in

> Can I do something else as well — like
> detect which key is pressed or released, not just list key names?

Well unless I misunderstand your question you could already do that
before, i.e. either read driver-specific key codes or read brltty
command codes.

> I'm writing brlapi bindings for Rust.

That's very cool news! Thanks a lot for doing that. I hope your bindings
will be published. It's worth mentionning that the other bindings are
stored in the brltty repository so you may want to do the same thing for
the Rust bindings.

> Can I use this new API across FFI
> without the need for using the CPP macros, as they probably cannot be nicely
> translated to Rust code?

Well I guess you may want to use some awk scripts to generate Rust
things form the .h files in order to take advantage of the symbolic

> [This is a bit off-topic, but I will probably never ask it, if I don't write
> it here:]
> I'd like to be able to use brlapi in a main loop, where I use poll/select to
> wait for I/O events from file descriptors. Can I somehow do this with
> brlapi?

See the documentation for brlapi_openConnection. It returns the file
descriptor so you definitely can use it in select.


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