[BRLTTY] Cut and paste using cursor-routing keys

Dave Mielke Dave at mielke.cc
Wed Feb 19 20:29:51 EST 2020

[quoted lines by Mike Keithley on 2020/02/20 at 00:23 +0000]

>   I am using brltty 5.3.1 on a 64-bit Slackware machine. My display is a
>   TSI PowerBraille.
>   I'm trying to understand how to use the display's cursor routing keys
>   to cut and paste. This is covered in section 5.2 of the manual, but I
>   need examples of how it's done.
>   Is there documentation somewhere that explains cut and paste through
>   examples?

First, just to be sure there's no misunderstanding, what brltty provides is
copy-and-paste (not cut-and-pate) as it doesn't delete the original text from
the screen.

The TSI's brltty help text (which can also be looked up online at brltty.app)

Clipboard Functions
* start new clipboard at character: RoutingKey+Backward
* rectangular copy to character: RoutingKey+Forward
* copy characters to clipboard: RoutingKey+RoutingKey
* insert clipboard text after screen cursor: RoutingKey.2+RoutingKey.3

I forget how the PowerBraille's keys are laid out so I'm hoping that you know
which the Forward and Backward keys are. This bit of documentation says that
the PowerBraille bindings for the TSI driver implement a rectangular copy but
not a linear one.

First, press a routing key together with (at the same time as) the Backward key
to mark the top-left corner of the rectangular area that you'd like to copy.
Then press a routing key together with the Forward key to mark its bottom-right
corner. The text is, at this piont (i.e. when marking the bottom-right corner
of the area), copied to the clipboard.

If you only want to copy text that's all on one line, and if both ends of the
text are visible on the braille display, then there's a shortcut. Just press
both routing keys - the one for the first chracter and the one for the last
character - at the same time.

To paste the copied text, press the second and third routing keys together.

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Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
EMail: Dave at Mielke.cc  | Ottawa, Ontario   | Twitter: @Dave_Mielke
Phone: +1 613 726 0014 | Canada  K2A 1H7   |

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