[BRLTTY] brltty removed from play store?

cstrobel crosslink.net cstrobel at crosslink.net
Sun Oct 13 18:21:38 UTC 2024

"F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device."
      The client is usable with TalkBack the last time I tried it on an old device.  Once BRLTTY is uploaded, you could install it from F-Droid, but you have to install the F-Droid client first.

From: BRLTTY <brltty-bounces at brltty.app> on behalf of Dave Mielke <Dave at mielke.cc>
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2024 1:04 PM
To: Informal discussion between users and developers of BRLTTY. <brltty at brltty.app>
Subject: Re: [BRLTTY] brltty removed from play store?

[quoted lines by Sebastian Humenda on 2024/10/13 at 16:03 +0200]

>Would it be an option to offer BRLTTY in F-Droid?

I'm not familiar with it. Could you please describe it some?

By the way: I finally actually did create a new gmail address and that still wasn't good enough. It won't let me add the existing app, and it won't let me transfer the app since the old address is suspended. So, in the end, it's demanding that I add brltty under a different name. That, I refuse to do!

Also, Google, in my opinion, is being very rude. It's saying that, insofar as Google Play development is concerned, the old address has been "banned". Now it was my personal address, so they're effectively making it look like I did something very evil! I'm not impressed.

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Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
EMail: Dave at Mielke.cc  | Ottawa, Ontario   | Twitter: @Dave_Mielke
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