[BRLTTY] Italian Table

Giuli giuly.boifa at gmail.com
Sun Sep 29 13:58:45 UTC 2024

Hi everybody,
I'm exuse me in advance, I'm new in Ubuntu and I'm exploring it in these
I set my Ubuntu Matè in English, but I'm Italian, so I would like to use
Italian Braille table.
In Orca settings > Braille tab, I selected the it-IT table and it is ok
except for punctuation and numbers.
I read that I have to modify the brltty.conf file, but it doesn't exist. In
etc I have a brltty folder in which there are other folders such as
attributes, text, input...
Can someone help me?

p.s. I also tried to insert in etc/brltty/text a new file to include in
it.ttb, but I can't modify/insert new files
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