[BRLTTY] Italian Table

Giuli giuly.boifa at gmail.com
Sun Sep 29 14:57:13 UTC 2024

The incorrect symbols in Italian apply to both 6 and 8 points.
Sure, I send you the code lines I modified but that I can't insert in text

# Italian punctuation marks.

char \x21 (    5   )  # ⠖ ! [EXCLAMATION MARK]
char \x22 (   4    )  # ⠶ " [QUOTATION MARK]
char \x24 (   4 6  )  # ⢫ $ [DOLLAR SIGN]
char \x25 (123456  )  # ⢩ % [PERCENT SIGN]
char \x27 (     6  )  # ⠄ ' [APOSTROPHE]
char \x28 ( 23  6  )  # ⠦ ( [LEFT PARENTHESIS]
char \x29 (  3 56  )  # ⠴ ) [RIGHT PARENTHESIS]
char \x2C ( 2      )  # ⠂ , [COMMA]
char \x2D (  3  6  )  # ⠤ - [HYPHEN-MINUS]
char \x2E (  3     )  # ⠲ . [FULL STOP]
char \x3A ( 2  5   )  # ⠒ : [COLON]
char \x3B ( 23     )  # ⠆ ; [SEMICOLON]
char \x3F ( 2   6  )  # ⠦ ? [QUESTION MARK]
char \xA0 (        )  # ⠀   [NO-BREAK SPACE]

Then there also the slash (/) that are 2-5-6 points

But why I have not the brltty.conf file? Is it hide?

Il giorno dom 29 set 2024 alle ore 16:32 Dave Mielke <Dave at mielke.cc> ha

> [quoted lines by Giuli on 2024/09/29 at 15:58 +0200]
> >I read that I have to modify the brltty.conf file, but it doesn't exist.
> /etc/brltty.conf is an optional file. If it isn't there then it's entirely
> safe to just create it.
> >In etc I have a brltty folder in which there are other folders such as
> attributes, text, input... Can someone help me?
> You don't want to be modifying those files because, the next time you
> update brltty, your changes will be lost.
> You said that digits and punctuation are wrong for Italian braille. Are
> you referring to computer braille (eight-dot) or to literary  braille
> (six--dot)? Is it possible that you're expecting those symbols to be what
> they are in regular literary braille but that computer braille is just
> different?
> Could you please give us a list of the characters that are wrong and what
> you think they should be?
> --
> I believe the Bible to be the very Word of God: http://Mielke.cc/bible/
> Dave Mielke            | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
> EMail: Dave at Mielke.cc  | Ottawa, Ontario   | Twitter: @Dave_Mielke
> Phone: +1 613 726 0014 | Canada  K2A 1H7   |
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