[BRLTTY] BRLTTY on a RaspBerry Pi 5 with RaspBerry Pi OS
Dave Mielke
Dave at mielke.cc
Thu Jan 23 18:48:57 UTC 2025
[quoted lines by Tim Böttcher on 2025/01/23 at 13:10 +0100]
>I also noted that it says it won't sbustitute emoji--haven't been able to track down why just yet; emoji show up as question marks.
You probably need to install the unicode-cldr-core package.
>My only gripe was that my Braille display--an Activator by HelpTech--wouldn't connect to the Pi via bluetooth. USB, no problem, but bluetooth--nope. No matter what I tried.
I assume you've paired it. We'd need to see a debug log in order to try to figure out what's wrong. You can do that by adding the-L (uppercase) option to specify the log file and the -l (lowercase) option to enable the needed log categories. So, like this:
brltty -L/path/to/logfile -ldebug,bt ...
>I also tried upgrading BRLTTY to the latest version (6.7) to see if that helps in any way. Since Debian-based distros don't get the most recent BRLTTY version, it seems, I tried to install from source, as root. That seemed to work fine, too, although I got two errors during the compilation of the Python API; neither is something I could easily track down to its source, though--and it didn't seem to be too relevant.
As is always the case, we'd need to know what those errors are.
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