[BRLTTY] BRLTTY on a RaspBerry Pi 5 with RaspBerry Pi OS
Tim Böttcher
contact at tim-boettcher.email
Fri Jan 24 14:32:46 UTC 2025
here's the log of a fresh installation, including the configuration (ran ./configure without any special build options).
As for bluetooth:
- Pairing seems to go fine.
- Then connected status switches from yes to no.
- Attempts to initiate connection via the connect command in bluetoothctl result in org.bluez.Error.Failed: br-connection-create-socket; in the log file I see a message about 2host is down", although the braille device is definitely switched on and ready for connections.
There are issues on GitHub for BlueZ which sound similar, but the suggested solutions don't seem to work. I'll provide the brltty log file later, but basically, once paired the device periodically connects and disconnects again.
Kind regards,
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> Am 23.01.2025 um 19:49 schrieb Dave Mielke <Dave at mielke.cc>:
> ?[quoted lines by Tim B?ttcher on 2025/01/23 at 13:10 +0100]
>> I also noted that it says it won't sbustitute emoji--haven't been able to track down why just yet; emoji show up as question marks.
> You probably need to install the unicode-cldr-core package.
>> My only gripe was that my Braille display--an Activator by HelpTech--wouldn't connect to the Pi via bluetooth. USB, no problem, but bluetooth--nope. No matter what I tried.
> I assume you've paired it. We'd need to see a debug log in order to try to figure out what's wrong. You can do that by adding the-L (uppercase) option to specify the log file and the -l (lowercase) option to enable the needed log categories. So, like this:
> brltty -L/path/to/logfile -ldebug,bt ...
>> I also tried upgrading BRLTTY to the latest version (6.7) to see if that helps in any way. Since Debian-based distros don't get the most recent BRLTTY version, it seems, I tried to install from source, as root. That seemed to work fine, too, although I got two errors during the compilation of the Python API; neither is something I could easily track down to its source, though--and it didn't seem to be too relevant.
> As is always the case, we'd need to know what those errors are.
> --
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> Dave Mielke | 2213 Fox Crescent | WebHome: http://Mielke.cc/
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