[BRLTTY] key problems on Alva Satellite 544 with brltty 3.7.2

Lee Maschmeyer lee_maschmeyer at wayne.edu
Tue Oct 3 11:19:40 EDT 2006

If a feature wasn't useful, people wouldn't use it and therefore wouldn't be 
used to it. Actually, repeated horizontal panning across blank areas occurs 
most often on web pages, where something may be preceded by many blank lines 
and then be further to the right than even 2 or 3 display lengths. Another 
thing that probably contributes to it is that I always use screens wider 
than 80 characters (and my display is 40 characters anyway). If I come to a 
big blank area on a screen I have to bang the advance key fast enough that I 
still overshoot when I come to text and still have to backtrack - it's just 
more work getting there in the first place. And since the user is able to 
control the repeat rate, one can make it as slow as necessary to minimize 
backtracking if that's important to that individual (it isn't important to 
me but different people are different).

That's my 2 mills worth and if it isn't convincing then it never will be. 

Lee Maschmeyer
<lee_maschmeyer at wayne.edu>

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For a skunk may be somebody's brother."
     --Fred Allen

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