[BRLTTY] Combi Braille on fast processor?

Lee Maschmeyer lee_maschmeyer at wayne.edu
Tue Oct 3 14:46:26 EDT 2006

Not to rub a sore point, but in many ways this is sort of opposite to my 
previous posts:

The Combi Braille (aka Braille Window) has hardware-actuated autorepeat for 
most if not all of its keys. This feature cannot be disabled by software (or 
any other means). I run with Autorepeat off in brltty and get repetition. I 
don't remember that turning autorepeat on had any effect (though the device 
is at home and I can't double check it now).

Recently I took this device home, where the computer is an AMD 64 processor 
running 32-bit Windows XP and Cygwin. Vertical line movement still repeats 
as it should, but horizontal repetition is hosed. It's not that it doesn't 
repeat, but the dots don't register any movement until after (some little 
while after) the panning key is released. So, for example, if I'm on the top 
line and I hold down the pan right key, when I release it I might be halfway 
or more down the screen. Of course, if I don't hold the key it just goes one 

I remember not long ago some talk of a driver that was not using brltty's 
flow control. Is it possible this may be the case with the Combi Braille? 
Any other ideas? About the only non-standard setting I have is to skip end 
of line blank windows.


Lee Maschmeyer
<lee_maschmeyer at wayne.edu>

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For a skunk may be somebody's brother."
     --Fred Allen

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