[BRLTTY] brlapi_getDriverId()

Mario Lang mlang at delysid.org
Tue Apr 24 00:14:32 EDT 2007


Can anyone further explain this commit:

r2975 | dave | 2007-04-07 03:21:45 +0200 (Sat, 07 Apr 2007) | 3 lines
Remove brlapi_getDriverId(). (st)

I have a guess why this might have been done, but
as a binding maintainer, I'd like to have known this more
prominently, and also why this decision was made.

Could we perhaps announce changes to the visible API in the future
more prominently on this list?

  Mario | Debian Developer <URL:http://debian.org/>
  .''`. | Get my public key via finger mlang at db.debian.org
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 `. `'
   `-      <URL:http://delysid.org/>  <URL:http://www.staff.tugraz.at/mlang/>

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