[BRLTTY] BAUM VarioConnect and display preferences menu

Jan Buchal buchal at brailcom.org
Thu Dec 20 13:24:02 EST 2007

>>>>> "DM" == Dave Mielke <dave at mielke.cc> writes:

    DM> [quoted lines by Jan Buchal on 2007/12/20 at 14:38 +0100] Are
    DM> there any features of the VarioConnect which aren't supported
    DM> yet?
    >> TAB and Backspace for example. then control-c and other ....

    DM> Are there special keys for these on the VarioConnect which
    DM> aren't supported yet?
I don't know because I haven't any overview of keys and their function.
If someone has a point for a document which describe key combinations
that will be helpful. In VarioConnect manual are basic keys only.

    DM> You should be able to enter any special character by using the
    DM> corresponding dot combinations specified in whichever
    DM> translation table you're using. If I remember correctly, you u
    DM> se the Czech table.
Yes, exactly.

    DM> If so, for example, tab would be dots 2478, backspace would be
    DM> dots 234678, and CTRL-C would be dots 1478.
Yes it works. Thanks!

    DM> If there are special keys fot any of these, as well as for
    DM> anything else, then, of course, they should be supported.
page-up, page-down, insert ? ...



Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
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