[BRLTTY] BAUM VarioConnect and display preferences menu

Jan Buchal buchal at brailcom.org
Thu Dec 20 16:48:50 EST 2007

>>>>> "DM" == Dave Mielke <dave at mielke.cc> writes:

    DM> [quoted lines by Jan Buchal on 2007/12/20 at 19:24 +0100]
    >> I haven't any overview of keys and their function.

    DM> What I was actually asking is if there are more keys on the
    DM> VarioConnect? Can you give me a simple description of where all
    DM> the keys are on it?
If I rember I sent you last year the manual where are all keys
described. I can send you it again if you see as sucessful.

    >> page-up, page-down, insert ? ...

    DM> Are you saying that the VarioConnect has special keys for these

    DM> or are you asking how you can invoke these functions?

    DM> At the bottom of the Baum driver's help page you'll find a list
    DM> of special keys that you can enter. Press either the leftmost or
    DM> the rightmost routing key followed by (or at the same time as)
    DM> any of the following dot combinations:

    DM> 1: backspace 46: enter 4/6: arrow up/down 2/5: arrow left/right
    DM> 45/56: page up/down 12/23: home/end 145 (d): delete 15 (e):
    DM> escape 24 (i): insert 2345 (t): tab
OK, thanks.


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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