[BRLTTY] Braille editor

Jan Mura jan.mura at volny.cz
Wed Oct 31 17:49:49 EDT 2007


I would like to ask if anybody knows about some Braille editor.
It means, the editor which use just 6 keys (or 8) and the user cna write 
like on Perkins typing machine.
So let's say the "s", "d", "f", "j", "k", "l" keys are active and if you 
"f" + "j" + "k"the letter "d" is written down.
The similar program is in package coming with Index-Everest printers. But it 
has some unwanted features and is only for Windows system.

Or if you knows nothing about it I would like to try to find some 
documentation about key remapping just for this thing.

Jan Mura
jan.mura at volny.cz 

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