[BRLTTY] New braille tables try

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL mengualjeanphi at free.fr
Tue Aug 10 19:25:32 EDT 2010


Reading an odt document, I foud this sign:

It seems it matches to the u+2192 sign in X11 keymap table. So in
fr_FR.ttb I tried:
char \u2192	( 23  67 ) # Fleche droite
char \u2190	(  3  56 8) # Fleche gauche

The second line is for left arrow (instead of right arrow which is on
the first line).

Both combinations don't generate any sign on the tty. I commented:
# char \x8E	( 23  67 )  # 8E â¡Š   [SINGLE SHIFT TWO]
# char \x8F	(  3 56 8)  # 8F ⢎   [SINGLE SHIFT THREE]

I guess I did not understand something. An idea please?



Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

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