[BRLTTY] introduction and a quick question

Dave Mielke dave at mielke.cc
Sun Dec 15 08:25:42 EST 2013

[quoted lines by Doug Smith on 2013/12/15 at 07:28 -0500]

>Yes, it is a full keyboard with the keypad.  I would be glad to see how this 
>works if possible.

You need to run brltty with the "keypad" keyboard key table. You can do this by 
specifying the -kkeypad (yes, two ks, so, really, it's -k keypad) option, or by 
specifying "key-table keypad" (without the quotes) within brltty.conf.

I've attached a file called keypad-bindings to this message. It tells you what 
all the keypad key combinations will do. In particular, you may wish to note 
these two:

   switch to Braille Input Mode: KPEnter+KPPlus
   switch to Default Bindings: KPEnter+KPMinus

Switching to default bindings is, for these purposes, another way of saying 
switch back to regular keyboard input mode.

When it's in braille input mode, the keys asdfjkl; implement the eight braille 
dots (73214568). The g and h keys even implement a space, although so does the 
space bar. You can also use other special keys, but the rest of the letters, 
the digits, and the punctuation keys become quite dead.

Dave Mielke           | 2213 Fox Crescent | The Bible is the very Word of God.
Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Ottawa, Ontario   | http://Mielke.cc/bible/
EMail: dave at mielke.cc | Canada  K2A 1H7   | http://FamilyRadio.com/
-------------- next part --------------
Key Table: Bindings for Keypad-based Navigation

Default Bindings
go to cursor: KP0+KP5
go left one window: KP0+KP4
go right one window: KP0+KP6
go up one line: KP0+KP8
go down one line: KP0+KP2
go to beginning of top line: KP0+KP7
go to beginning of bottom line: KP0+KP1
go up to nearest line with different content: KP0+KP9
go down to nearest line with different content: KP0+KP3
set cursor tracking on/off: KP0+KPDivide
set display mode attributes/text: KP0+KPMultiply
set text style 6-dot/8-dot: KP0+KPMinus
go back after cursor tracking: KPPeriod+KP5
go left to nearest non-blank window: KPPeriod+KP4
go right to nearest non-blank window: KPPeriod+KP6
go up to last line of previous paragraph: KPPeriod+KP8
go down to first line of next paragraph: KPPeriod+KP2
go up to previous command prompt: KPPeriod+KP7
go down to next command prompt: KPPeriod+KP1
go up to nearest line with different highlighting: KPPeriod+KP9
go down to nearest line with different highlighting: KPPeriod+KP3
set cursor visibility on/off: KPPeriod+KPDivide
set attribute underlining on/off: KPPeriod+KPMultiply
set screen image frozen/unfrozen: KPPeriod+KPMinus
go left one character: KP0+KPPeriod+KP1
describe character at cursor: KP0+KPPeriod+KP2
go right one character: KP0+KPPeriod+KP3
go to beginning of line: KP0+KPPeriod+KP4
place left end of window at character at cursor: KP0+KPPeriod+KP5
go to end of line: KP0+KPPeriod+KP6
enter/leave preferences menu: KPMinus+KP5
restore preferences from disk: KPMinus+KP4
save preferences to disk: KPMinus+KP6
enter/leave status display: KPMinus+KP8
enter/leave help display: KPMinus+KP7
enter/leave command learn mode: KPMinus+KP9
bring cursor to line: KPMinus+KP2
show the current date and time: KPMinus+KP1
restart braille driver: KPMinus+KPDivide
restart speech driver: KPMinus+KPMultiply
insert clipboard text at cursor: KPMultiply+KP5
start new clipboard at character at cursor: KPMultiply+KP7
append to clipboard from character at cursor: KPMultiply+KP1
linear copy to character at cursor: KPMultiply+KP9
rectangular copy to character at cursor: KPMultiply+KP3
go up to nearest line with less indent than character at cursor: KPMultiply+KP8
go down to nearest line with less indent than character at cursor: KPMultiply+KP2
go up to nearest line with different character at cursor: KPMultiply+KP4
go down to nearest line with different character at cursor: KPMultiply+KP6
search backward for clipboard text: KPMultiply+KPMinus
search forward for clipboard text: KPMultiply+KPPlus
speak current line: KPEnter+KP5
speak from top of screen through current line: KPEnter+KP8
speak from current line through bottom of screen: KPEnter+KP2
stop speaking: KPEnter+KP4
set autospeak on/off: KPEnter+KP6
decrease speech rate: KPEnter+KP7
increase speech rate: KPEnter+KP9
decrease speech volume: KPEnter+KP1
increase speech volume: KPEnter+KP3
go to current speech position: KPEnter+KPMultiply
set autospeak deleted characters on/off: KPEnter+KP0+KP1
set autospeak replaced characters on/off: KPEnter+KP0+KP2
set autospeak inserted characters on/off: KPEnter+KP0+KP3
set autospeak selected character on/off: KPEnter+KP0+KP4
set autospeak selected line on/off: KPEnter+KP0+KP5
set autospeak completed words on/off: KPEnter+KP0+KP6
speak current character: KPPlus+KP2
describe current character: KPPlus+KP0+KP2
go to and speak previous character: KPPlus+KP1
go to and speak first non-blank character on line: KPPlus+KP0+KP1
go to and speak next character: KPPlus+KP3
go to and speak last non-blank character on line: KPPlus+KP0+KP3
speak current word: KPPlus+KP5
spell current word: KPPlus+KP0+KP5
go to and speak previous word: KPPlus+KP4
go to and speak next word: KPPlus+KP6
speak current line: KPPlus+KP8
go to and speak previous line: KPPlus+KP7
go to and speak first non-blank line on screen: KPPlus+KP0+KP7
go to and speak next line: KPPlus+KP9
go to and speak last non-blank line on screen: KPPlus+KP0+KP9
speak speech location: KPPlus+KPDivide
set speech location visibility on/off: KPPlus+KP0+KPDivide
bring cursor to speech location: KPPlus+KPMultiply
switch to Braille Input Mode: KPEnter+KPPlus
switch to Default Bindings: KPEnter+KPMinus

Menu Bindings
go left one window: KP0+KP4
go right one window: KP0+KP6
go to previous item: KP0+KP8
go to next item: KP0+KP2
go to first item: KP0+KP7
go to last item: KP0+KP1
select previous choice: KP0+KP9
select next choice: KP0+KP3
go to previous menu level: KP0+KP5
enter/leave preferences menu: KP0+KPEnter
save preferences to disk: KP0+KPPlus
restore preferences from disk: KP0+KPMinus

Braille Input Mode
braille keyboard dot7: A
braille keyboard dot3: S
braille keyboard dot2: D
braille keyboard dot1: F
braille keyboard space: G
braille keyboard space: H
braille keyboard dot4: J
braille keyboard dot5: K
braille keyboard dot6: L
braille keyboard dot8: Semicolon
braille keyboard space: Space
braille keyboard uppercase: ShiftLeft
braille keyboard uppercase: ShiftRight
braille keyboard control: ControlLeft
braille keyboard control: ControlRight
braille keyboard meta: AltLeft

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