[BRLTTY] Bluetooth PINs?

Mario Lang mlang at delysid.org
Wed May 8 03:37:21 EDT 2013


Can someone remind me please whats the current way of telling Linux
Bluetooth about a PIN to use for a particular device address?  I used to
do this by echo'ing stuff to /var/lib/bluetooth/HOST_ADDRESS/pincodes.
But I remember someone telling me that this does no longer work on new
bluetooth stacks, and since I have a device here which reufses to
connect with Permission Denied, I am inclined to believe the information
:)  However, I forgot what the new way is, and I can also not find it in
our README.Bluetooth.


  ⡍⠁⠗⠊⠕ | Debian Developer <URL:http://debian.org/>
  .''`. | Get my public key via finger mlang/key at db.debian.org
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   `-      <URL:http://delysid.org/>  <URL:http://www.staff.tugraz.at/mlang/>

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