[BRLTTY] Unconventional key bindings was Re: Many problems and questions on brltty for android

Mario Lang mlang at delysid.org
Mon May 13 15:22:36 EDT 2013

erik burggraaf <erik at erik-burggraaf.com> writes:

> True, I realize this after playing with it, and I'm happy enough to help
> where I can.
> But the version number and the help documentation definitely lead me
> to expect that which was not in fact the case.

I agree that the version number is probably misleading.  As I
rememember, Dave originally intended to release BRLTTY for Android as
version 1.0.  However, I personally think that this would just lead to
unnecessary confusion.  BRLTTY has been developed for Linux and other
UNIX-like operating systems in the past 17 years.  As we stand, this is
version 4.5 of BRLTTY, which icidentally has now been ported to
Android.  So while 4.5 might sound quite mature, it is only really
mature on the platforms it was originally developed for.  4.5 is really
the first, beta, release of BRLTTY on Android.

Whats really mature is our drivers.  We have support for almost
everything that exists, and that is something the Android platform
inherits at once.  However, the screen reading part on the Android platform
is quite new, and not as polished as you would wish.  This is being
worked on.


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