[BRLTTY] compiling brltty with speech-dispatcher support

chrys87 chrys87 at web.de
Sat Jul 2 18:23:01 EDT 2016

Hi Kendell,

this is because brltty doesnt respect the installation path of arch
if you do a
sudo ln -s /usr/include/speech-dispatcher /usr/include/speech-dispatcher/include
before compiling it it will work

it would be cool if that path (/usr/include/speech-dispatcher
) would been respected by brltty by default because there are many arch based distors out there.

cheers chrys
hi all
I've been struggling to enable brltty as a console screen reader for the
sonar gnu linux distribution. I'm getting nowhere with the espeak driver
so I'd like to reconfigure brltty to speak through speech-dispatcher.
But for whatever reason, the package for archlinux, which manjaro and
sonar uses, isn't compiled with it enabled. According to the
documentation I could find in brltty's source, it's supposed to
automatically enable it if it detects speech-dispatcher during the build
time, but this doesn't seem to work. I remember giving someone hear a
speech-dispatcher.pc file, which is a pkgconfig file but I haven't tried
compiling brltty since then. In case brltty's autodetection fails, is
there a specific configure option I can pass during build time so I can
add it to our package build script?
Kendell Clark

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