[BRLTTY] brltty and Esytime, on Raspbian Jessie.

Arthur BREUNEVAL arthur.breuneval at yahoo.fr
Fri Jul 8 03:46:17 EDT 2016

[Quote :
In the Esytime key table, LeftJoystickLeft is go up to previous command 
but LeftJoystickUp is go to the top left of the screen.
End quote]

Sorry, I meant LeftJoystickLeft and RightJoystickUp. ...

You are right, the Esytime is USB-HID. But the keys I mentioned, those 
that do not work, work on my PC with Windows and NVDA / JAWS. And the 
keyboard is configured as USB-HID too.
(And they do not only involve DOT7 / DOT8, since I can't type '@' 
anymore, which is braille 345.)
So I may have a problem with my Raspbian keyboard config in the system 
I will dig on it...
And tell to the list...

Sent with Mozilla Thunderbird.

Le 07/07/2016 à 23:26, Dave Mielke a écrit :
> [quoted lines by Arthur BREUNEVAL on 2016/07/07 at 20:44 +0200]
>> OK, so actually LectJoystickLeft does the same as LeftJoystickUp for
>> me. Until to print the last output line, it prints the last command
>> entered. ......
> In the Esytime key table, LeftJoystickLeft is go up to previous command prompt,
> but LeftJoystickUp is go to the top left of the screen.
>> I checked the Esytime documentation: LeftJoystickDown and
>> RightJoystickPress are effectively internal functions (useless, but
>> ...). So we should assign other aey(s) for these functions.
>> The list of internal functions are :
> Thanks. I'll add these comments to the key table so we won't forget them, and
> we can work on better bindings.
>> There are only two l keys, ,l1 and l5, and they are positioned just
>> below the two joysticks.
> Thanks. We can add sensible bindings for them, too.
>> Finally, here is the output log file, while I typed some characters
>> which are printed. But you will see that there is not any packet...
>> The keyboard is a braille keyboard. But like I said, it is not needed
>> to have a screen reader to use the keyboard. For example, I can type
>> characte!s even if BRLTTY is disabled, and the keys are these of an
>> AZERTY keyboard (e.g. if I type A, then A will be printed if my
>> keyboard layout in Raspbian is configured as AZERTY, but it will
>> print Q if it is not.)
> So that must mean that the Esytime is presenting a USB HID keyboard. That means
> that there's nothing we can do about those missing characters as they simply
> aren't defined within the device.
>  From what I remember, the characters that you told me don't work involve dots 7
> and/or 8. Maybe they just didn't define any characters that use those dots.
> Perhaps you should report this to them so they might consider adding those
> characters to their next firmware release.
>> (I try to be as clear as possible, but it is quite hard...)
> You've been very clear, actually.

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