[BRLTTY] Using Edbrowse and other programs with brltty

Devin Prater r.d.t.prater at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 13:42:54 EDT 2016

Hi all. I’m running Arch Linux, CLI only since my laptop doesn’t have sufficient video RAM to work with GUI systems quickly enough to be productive, so it’s CLI only. After using Emacspeak for a few weeks on Linux, with the half-working eSpeak server, and on the Mac, with a fully-working Mac server (Ironically) but no sound icons (earcons), for months, I’m becoming disenchanted with the audio desktop because of poor maintenance of the speech servers and a lack of care for any of them besides Voxin. A few weeks ago, I set up Edbrowse with my Gmail account, and marveled at how easy the configuration is. Using Edbrowse is rather complicated, though, but I think I can, slowly, work with websites, and at least read files now. Someone on here mentioned that they use Edbrowse for email, and I assume they use it for all else it offers as well. Mostly, though, I’m wondering how one would navigate effectively. When I type z47 to show a page of content, 47 seems to be the number of lines BRLTTY shows at once, BRLTTY lands me at the bottom of the screen. Must I always go to top line, or is there a way to have BRLTTY do that automatically or something? I guess I’m too used to GUI browsers, where all the text is just right there, and I can read it all without pause, but is this possible with BRLTTY and Edbrowse?
Also, are there other console programs that BRLTTY works better with? I can use w3m, but have no way of navigating between headings, forms, or knowing when something is a link or form control, which is what I like about edbrowse. Also, for some reason, Elinks, or any heavily windowed application, seems to crash BRLTTY, so that’s why I’m giving Edbrowse such a big chance even though it’s way more complicated than Emacs.

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