[BRLTTY] Communicating with a cdc-acm device

saeid javani javani.saeid at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 03:41:43 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I have a usb-cdc device and want to write a driver for it. Using libusb-1.0
in a simple program I can communicate with this device. But in brltty, it
can not claim interface. Actually early control communications are fine and
brltty receives device model and number of cells from device but after
that, claim interface error occurs.

Here is in my usbChannelDefinition initialization in connectResource()
function :
(interface 0 is master interface and has an input endpoint, but interface 1
is for data communication)

       .vendor=0x03eb, .product=0x2018,
       .configuration=0, .interface=1, .alternative=0,
       .inputEndpoint=0x83, .outputEndpoint=0x04,
       .serial = &serialParameters

Is this definition correct for a usb-cdc device? If yes, what is the
possible cause of claim interface error?
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