[BRLTTY] Problem connecting the braille display Brailliant BI 40

Didier Spaier didier at slint.fr
Thu Nov 12 15:13:21 EST 2015

On 12/11/2015 20:51, Shérab wrote:
> Dear all,
> Mario Lang (2015/11/12 14:36 +0100):
>> Actually, they *shouldn't* be required.
>> The default configuration is too try all drivers that know
>> about USB.  That *should* include the hw driver.
> I am asking here the question I already asked on the
> debian-accessibility mailing list.
> Wouldn't it be more effficient to have udev rules that would detect the
> device when it is plugged and then start brltty with the right driver?
> Are there reasons that make this approach not possible in principle
> or not suitable, or is it just because nobody took the time to
> implement it so far that it didn't happen?
> Shérab.

I am not sure that I understand your question.

In brltty-5.2 this is done installing the file
40-usb-brltty.rules in /lib/udev, or do I miss something?

I see in this file:

# Device: 1C71:C005
# HumanWare [all models]

Do you mean that a device is missing?


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