[BRLTTY] Have dual boot working with only a couple of problems

Samuel Thibault samuel.thibault at ens-lyon.org
Wed Apr 23 21:04:51 EDT 2008

Cheryl wrote:
> While the brltty in the install was fixed, the brltty installed before
> booting into the system is still a brltty with the problem that was
> fixed in the installer.

Mmm, I guess it indeed installed a non-fixed version of brltty.  You
should be able to install a newer version (at least 3.9-6) by hand from
the debinst CD:

- fetch a recent 3.9 version of brltty e.g. from
- put it on a USB stick
- boot debinst, switch to tty2
- mkdir /target /usb
- mount the hard disk by hand on /target, mount the USB stick by hand on /usb
- cp /usb/brltty_3.9-7_powerpc.deb /target
- chroot /target
  - mount /proc
  - mount /sys
  - dpkg -i /brltty_3.9-7_powerpc.deb
  - exit
- umount /usb /target
- reboot

BTW about the mirrors: some mirrors don't have the ppc arch...


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