[BRLTTY] APEX BrailleNote BT32

Nicholas Dechman ndechman at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 11 11:25:01 EDT 2012

On another topic....

I have been using an APEX BrailleNote BT32 semi-successfully for a while now.  The main gripe I have is that I have to enter space-4-5 after control is taken with BrlAPI before it will send any perkins input.

This is annoying but marginally acceptable.

What is not quite acceptable (because a blind user will not immediately recognize what is happening, and because this application is for student assessment and a user should not be expected to continuously monitor the behavior of their device during a timed test) is that after a few keystrokes input I often have type space-4-5 *again* to maintain the perkins keyboard input state.

Is there a more permanent way to set the input state on this device?  Even better, is there a way to programmatically set the input state so the user does not have to enter space-4-5 at all?

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